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The Big Easy Cook
Food Drinks Family
The Big Easy Cook
Welcome to The Big Easy Cook. My name is Tracey and this is my online journal. Thanks for joining me as I cook, drink and embrace the big easy attitude that New Orleans is known for.
Tracey Broussard
Macque Choux, A Visit To Bedner's Farm And A New Puppy!
Spring is finally here! I mean that literally and metaphorically. It’s been a rough year, ya’ll. Dare I say things are finally looking...
Tracey Broussard
Limpin' Susan and Tangled Stacey
I’m sorry it’s been such a long time since I’ve posted. Life sometimes has a tendency to get in the way of the creative things I’d like...
Tracey Broussard
Of Satsumas and Secrets
Do you have something secret you like to eat? My three year old granddaughter’s latest obsession is Louisiana Satsumas, an ethereal...
Tracey Broussard
I Yam A Sweet Potato
Today’s post was inspired by a visit to one of my favorite supermarkets in the world, The Jubilee in Pearl River, Louisiana. The Jubilee...
Tracey Broussard
Jiffy Crack Corn
Happy Thanksgiving, Ya'll! While this year had been strange in so many ways, in other ways nothing has changed. Pandemic or not, time...
Tracey Broussard
One Bowl Brownies For Beginners
Today's recipe is written differently than the ones I normally share with you. A friend of mine who doesn't cook at all asked for a go-to...
Tracey Broussard
Holy Guacamole, It's Avocado Season!
Although people up north may be enjoying apple picking and leaves turning at this time of year, here in South Florida we are celebrating...
Tracey Broussard
Let's Talk About Lily's Chocolate
This week’s recipe was inspired by a Facebook post from my friend, Judy. Judy works as a flight attendant for the same company as me, and...
Tracey Broussard
Circus Peanut Salad and Remy's Buttermilk Ranch Dressing
If quarantining with my grandkids began with unicorns and rainbows, it has now progressed to the circus midway. Have you seen the...
Tracey Broussard
The Mother-in-law Sauce and Baked Rigatoni
The French have their five mother sauces, without which French cuisine just would not be the same. In our family we have the mother...
Tracey Broussard
Drink Of The Day Recipe Round Up
Fatigue is a word I'm hearing a lot of lately. We have been quarantining and living with the threat of Covid for six months now. Many...
Tracey Broussard
Remy Makes Hollandaise And Macarons
Remy recently lamented, "The only thing I know how to make is lemon chicken. I need to learn more." Though she and Rory spend a lot of...
Tracey Broussard
La Vie En Rose and Sister Pie's Rose Pistachio Shortbread Cookies
My first pet was a brilliant rabbit named Brownie. Like Peter Rabbit, Brownie was a naughty boy. He would squeeze between the gap in our...
Tracey Broussard
Potato Salad And A Pink Princess Picnic
How do you celebrate the end of Camp Bubbe and usher in the new school year? With a pink princess picnic, of course! Around here tiaras...
Tracey Broussard
Tea For One
Let's play four truths and a lie. This week the following things happened. Guess which one is the lie: 1. Keanu Reeves started following...
Tracey Broussard
Fridge Clean Out: Fried Rice
When I was flying full time, it was hard to get into any kind of routine. My schedule not only changed from month to month, but was often...
Tracey Broussard
Zany Zucchini: The Low-Carb Fruit That Eats Like A Vegetable
This post is brought to you at the request of my sister-in-law, Lisa. Lisa is an avid gardener and a plant whisperer. Whether she's...
Tracey Broussard
Tasting The Stars! (aka Summer Fruits and Champagne)
Summer is almost over, and with it the glorious bounty of summer fruits. I would be remiss if I didn't urge you to immediately splurge on...
Tracey Broussard
Of Cabbages And Cocktails
For weeks now I have been trying to finish this post about cabbage with no success. Part of me feared that no matter how much I write, it...
Tracey Broussard
Honey, Let's Make Vanilla Paste
At the beginning of quarantine I cleaned out my pantry about the same time I was getting low on vanilla extract. Finding some very old...
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